Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Links of Note

* Journals, and the stories of Djamila, Beth, and Julia Ann at "Hugo Schwyzer" -- a rather awesome post about feminism and sexuality, as exemplified by three very different students.

* Matter and Infinite Regress at "Vomit the Lukewarm"

* The Phenomenology of Efficacy by Susanna Siegel -- a draft of a paper arguing that we do, in fact, have direct experiences of causal efficacy. I need to read the paper more closely, but it looks like a modified endeavor or nisus theory (to borrow some terms from Hume, whose criticism of this type of theory I've questioned). Quite interesting. (HT: OPP.)

* Annotations on C. S. Lewis's Abolition of Man

* Ancient Stench and Corpse Removal at "Ralph the Sacred River"

* "robot guy" traces the recent Book Tag meme in geometric explosion (HT: NWW).

* UPDATE: Just came across this on Clark's sidebar: At "slacktivist" the post Private Property? looks briefly at the question of private property in Christian theology. The point is a very good one. If you're interested in this sort of thing, you might find Aquinas's discussion of private property interesting.