Friday, October 28, 2005

Notable Links

* An interesting article on neuroscience and free will at the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

* Clark discusses Peirce on the Trinity at Mormon Metaphysics.

* Due to busy-ness, I haven't yet posted anything related to the death of Rosa Parks. Michelle Arnold at was struck by the Marian qualities of Parks; Chippla, I think, sums up a lot of what she meant to people (HT: Booker Rising); has a lot of great links, both weblog and otherwise; so does La Shawn Barber; there's a discussion at Parableman over the extent to which Christians can follow her example. I think one of the powerful things about Rosa Parks was that she was a hero people could relate to. In one sense, she didn't do much, in that what she did is something that is clearly attainable by everyone; but in that 'not much' (which itself took an immense amount of courage, as such things often do) she summed up the way the fight for justice and vindication can play a part in anyone's life. Plus, she asked what really is the Powerful Question in these matters: "Why do you push us around?"

* Rebecca has an intriguing post on the image of God.

* Scott Gilbreath points to an article on the Lutheran doctrine of private confession.

* The History Carnival will be hosted on November 1 at (a)musings of a grad student. If you have anything you think might fit, or if you've come across some good history-related writing in the blogosphere, now's the time to send it in.

* Mark Goldblatt makes a sincere attempt to get right on Aquinas's doctrine of eternity, but mangles it badly. Expect a post on this.

* NaNoWriMo is coming to the blogosphere again (e.g., We are still here). I'm considering blogging a raw first draft of a novel directly on to this weblog. If I do, I already know the title, the subject, and the genre: it will be called Balaam's Ass, and will be a science fiction story about what scientific progress really means.