Monday, August 09, 2010

Non-Become and Imperishable

The entire world of becoming is permeated by that order which permits every created being (ens) to strive for its own perfection and to aid other created beings on their way to perfection. This order itself, however, is not subject to becoming and passing away, but is non-become and imperishable. And just as that which is signified by the term "human being" [Mensch] is neither born nor passes away, so als o that which is signified by "holiness" (denoting the perfection of a person and, in a derivative sense, that which ministers to the perfection of a person or bears the stamp of a person) is not subject to any becoming, notwithstanding the fact that holiness may become actual and may therefore become the goal of striving.

Edith Stein, Finite and Eternal Being, p. 316. Today, of course, is the feastday of Edith Stein, also known as St. Teresia Benedicta of the Cross, who died on this day in 1942 in the concentration camp at Auschwitz, along with her sister Rosa.