Friday, February 12, 2016

Dashed Off IV

Luke's genealogy as showing that human genealogy points as a sign to God

work & the overflow of human dignity

subsidiarity as the maintenance of civil society as the end of political community

marriage as the sanctuary of civilization

the garden of Eden as an emblem of hospitality

The principle of parliamentary sovereignty works well only when there is some implicit higher authority to which parliament is beholden at a level higher than human law itself, e.g., reason, God, honor, and so forth. This seems to be true of sovereignty principles generally: they are not supreme-in-every-way principles (if coherent and reasonable) but principles of supremacy with respect to some particular thing, on the grounds of, and according to, the standards of a higher order of thing. Sovereignty in law presupposes a standard for its lawmaking that makes it sovereign lawmaking possible (and it does not have to be another sovereignty in law).

doctrine of precedent: Cases like in law and fact should be decided in like ways on like principles.
illustrative vs binding precedents (Diamond vs Box precedents)
precedent // counsel (allowing for differences introduced by law if we are considering legal precedent)
reasoned departure from precedent
(1) precedent overruled by higher authority
(2) precedent reasoning provably in error
(3) conflicting precedents in need of resolution

grammatical, schematic, teleological, and analogical interpretations of codified law

the implicit dialogue of courts

care of the environment & recognizing the world as cosmos

shalom as completeness (Is 9:5ff; Mic 5:14)
Song 8:10 and Christ's peace

jargon as crutch instead of clarification vs jargon as instrument of clarification

history of philosophy and philosophical field study

dualist arguments
(1) explanatory gap
(2) unity of consciousness
(3) unity of perception
(4) active/passive distinction
(5) immanent/transeunt action distinction

personal identity through changes of body // personal immortality

Promulgation makes law inherently semiotic.

In the overflow of glory we are made signs of Beatific Vision, not just personal signs (as in the sacraments of character) but personal signs in every aspect of our person.

the import of a text in an ecclesial context

doxastic, pragmatic, and social aspects of trust

Advice is structured by perspective; thus even good advisors will have varied advice given varied perspectives.

external-condition-based need vs nature-based need (this is not a sharp distinction but it seems sometimes to be important)

prediction of conclusion from premises

problems functioning as partial solutions to other problems

the Prophets as an immune system

The body, for all of its weakness, keeps dragging us out of ourselves and back to the goodness of creation, and also to the contrast between our thoughts and our deeds; without it we would all be Satans.

the spoken word as the intellectual word infusing the body as word

Ascension is the feast of hope; Christ's ascension is the beginning of our exaltation, we have a great intercessor in the heavenly courts, and in the sacraments ever receive the promise of His return.

- a version of Sense and Sensibility with the carnivalesque instead of the picturesque
- a verse novel on the Curse of the Alcmaeonids

vestige as the capacity to be sign of first cause

Parables outlast laws.

reasoning as energies, operations, pouring forth from a secret heart

memorial signs & the philosophy of memory

the overflow of doctrine into monument

The imperfection of an analogy does not imply the nonexistence of its resemblance.

Memories are received and anticipations are constructed.

hidden inferences, inferential leaps, shielding inferences, patching inferences

Revolutionaries always only want very specific revolutions.

superstition as a kind of forgetting

media as cognitive artillery (cf. Spengler)

"From the beginning of the Church Christ has been written about; but this is still not equal to the subject." Aquinas In Ioh 2660

Each sacrament unifies the Church in its own particular way.

preservation of the heritage of the Church as a responsibility arising from confirmation.

functional backformation in science-fictional worldbuilding

charity as divine evaluation

accumulation of errors & compensation for it in probable inference

analogous (nongeneric, nonspecific) likeness
creatures : God
potency : act
substance : accident
work : idea
instrument : principal cause

Aquinas on the material world as soul-making: DP 3.10ad3&4; DP 5.5, 5.9; SCG 3.22; SCG 4.97

We can be taught by 'people in general' insofar as they practically converge.

the Iliad and the Odyssey as about disagreements over justice and injustice (Alc 112b)

Education is the root of civic life.

Socrates as philosophical Hephaestus (cp. Socrates as Daedelus)

the cardinal virtues as each opposing a kind of slavishness (Alc 121e-122a)

the doubly divine mission of philosophy: Delphic Oracle, Socratic daemon

To be both philosopher & poet runs in Plato's family; Charmides 155a.

temperance as cultivated by beautiful discourse

virtue is knowledge // person is mind

the direct connections between temperance and health
anticipations of virtues in animal survival

Duhem sees esprit de finesse as teleological. Thus the concern of the intuitive or French mind for illumination is a concern for explanatory ends.

marriage as oriented to the salvation of others

Alc 132d-133c & the love of neighbor as needed for proper self-knowledge (indeed, love of God as well, in order to see in others what is divine in them)

philosophical vs nonphilosophical polymathy

"Fear the gods, honor your parents, respect your friends, obey the laws." Isocrates Speech to Demonicus.
"Give honor to all, love the community, fear God, honor the king." 1 Peter 2:17

Scripture insinuates more in Tradition than it explicitly covers.

the collection and curation of exemplar arguments

the filaments of just friendships running throughout a healthy society

'to dwell in mind among heavenly things'

Rational conversions tend to be by exhaustion.

Intelligence is an at least possible cause of intelligibility.
- meaning of intelligence
- different modes of diamond
- meaning of intelligibility
- whether it is analytic

Xenophon and Plato disagree about whether the daimonion suggested courses of action or only restrained. Xenophon is clear that it covered right and wrong; Plato can be read as suggesting that it only covered the inexpedient (although this distinction is not itself very clear).

Resurrection : Ascension : Pentecost :: faith : hope : love

the perpetual coronation of the Church // the coronation of Mary // sacrament of matrimony as sacrament of coronation

Buddhism's relation to polytheism is based on the recognition that there must be something purer than the gods.

Other philosophers do philosophy as individuals; Plato does it as a multitude.

the human being as an ecosystem (temperance as its cultivation, preservation, conservation)

terms as nullary modalities

Thirst for obvious novelty is a sign of a life of bland repetition.

episcopal ordination: confers a special outpouring of the Spirit (LG 21), confers the fullness of orders, establishes a high priesthood, confers offices (teaching, ruling, sanctifying), impresses a character, constitutes authoritative teachers
ordinational character: in person of Christ as Head

methods as having syllogistic structure (Duhem)

the relation between temperance and discretion

Holy Family & sacrament of matrimony

A 'pure land' is a Buddha-aspiration; it falls short of pure enlightenment by being only one vision of it, but through it one receives the teaching one requires. Infinite compassion is the most accessible/shareable vision, so the pure land of Amitabha, expressing this aspiration, is itself the most accessible.
sunyata, boundless light (mirror knowledge), supreme giving, boundless compassion, perfected action

the problem of developing the advantages of centralization without its dependencies

fear management & hope construction in rhetorical reasoning

three forms of education: cultivating, artificial, inspired (Theages)

Dialectic must begin with an internal agreement with oneself.

Phaedrus & the pursuit of pleasure as dehumanizing

agent intellect as like a memory of divine truth

devoting one's life to love through philosophical discussions

lawmaking as speechwriting

Calliope & Urania as the Muses of philosophical life

prophet, mystic, poet, lover

Rhetoric draws the soul to dialectic.

sophrosyne vs. hybris

honor and courtesy as restraints on government

Inquiry, where fruitful, is more interesting the longer it continues.

Long-term sustaining of scholarship requires not just scholarly devotion but also the interest of dabblers.

logical positivism as taboo avoidance

To maintain troth one must serve the truth.

asceticism as a rhetoric of the body

"if someone wants to praise martyrs, let them imitate martyrs" (Chrysostom On St. Barlaam)

translation as an ecumenical act

the Platonic dialogues as a moral analysis of the Peloponnesian War

aristocracies of aspiration

law, honor, calculation as the three expressions of political reason

critique as working backwards to principles (this would make it a branch of dialectics)

We develop prudence by learning how to evaluate and apply advice.

the academic vice of substituting pseudo-dialogue for dialogue

the papacy as personal union, as symbolic union, as sign of union

achieving effortlessness without carelessness

Good sense is the first root of authority.

proverbs as wards of virtue

explanatory gap argument against pantheism (complicated by asymmetry of explanation)

experience machine as the beginning of an argument for the ethical importance of thymos

testimony as a component factor in memories (e.g., people remember earlier memories from childhood if they have been reinforced by detailed testimony, people bridge gaps in memory with testimonial reconstruction, etc.,)

Learning requires exemplar causation.

Sacramental form is a structure of activity in a context.

defeat in detail as a rhetorical (eristic) goal